Dear Parent, in this section you can download the summer pack 2020 which is given due to lockdown and is valid upto 31-May-2020. You can download for following schools.

Welcome to Allied School

Welcome to The Spirit Schools

Welcome to American Lycetuff
Please follow these instructions while getting this vacation work done by your kids;
- This pack shall cover the syllabus for the months of April and May with daily/weekly breakdown.
- Daily diary for this breakdown will be uploaded on EDN Parent App for your support.
- Students will have to complete Homework task on given dates as per daily diary.
- Daily completion of Homework shall enable student to follow the routine.
- You are requested to only guide the children to complete the task.
- The work contains worksheets based on educational videos.
- Please ensure availability of digital devices and internet connection for your children
- Please ensure the Homework is neat and tidy. Use Rough notebooks for practice work.
- Final date for the submission of work is subjected to the Re-open of Schools as per government directives.
- Total (10) marks have been allocated for completion of Homework from Grade 1 to 9, as per followings:
- a. Neatness: (02) Marks
- b. Completion and accuracy: (06) Marks
- c. Handwriting: (02) Marks